Social Activities

IPA Conference 2015

Stockholm Business School | 8-10 July



The Stockholm Experience

The Accounting group at Stockholm Business School is very pleased to welcome you to IPA 2015. Apart from the interesting papers and authors, we will offer some possibilities to see some particularities of Stockholm and Sweden. The social activities are organized around three different themes:

The Everyday Life Experience at Early Bird


In Sweden, before the Hamburgerization, Kebabization and Pizzation of fast food, the Swedes gathered around the hot dog stand and chatted with “the hot dog man” (korvgubbe). In Sweden hot dogs are eaten with different sauces and the most exotic one is shrimp salad (räksallad). Certainly the hot dog culture is informal and the hot dog is more of a snack. We would like to invite you to this Swedish tradition during the early bird reception. We will have a hot dog barbeque outside the business school and serve the hot dogs with Swedish sweet and hot mustard and some shrimp salad. To add to the Stockholmian experience we will offer you to taste a beer made in Stockholm and named after the patron S:t Erik. Given the opportunity that the name of this conference gives us - we will serve S:t Erik’s IPA. The early bird reception will take place at Stockholm Business School and will be open from 17.00 on Tuesday. You will be able to register to the conference, get acquainted to the facilities and meet some new and old friends. The early bird is sponsored by Stockholm Business School. Address: Kräftriket 3

The Nobel Experience at the Welcome Reception


Stockholm does not only host IPA, it also hosts the Nobel Prize Ceremony. December 10 every year the prizes are allotted, the speeches are given and the festivities end with a dinner at Stockholm City Hall. Stockholm City Hall also hosts the celebration party for all new appointed PhDs and Professors from Stockholm University and is one of the landmarks in Stockholm. Celebrating that Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting conference has been going on for 30 years, we are pleased to invite you to a welcome reception at the Stockholm City Hall. During the reception we will be offered a buffet, a welcome speech from a city official and a guided tour. The welcome reception is generously sponsored by the City of Stockholm. We would appreciate if you could be there no later than 18.45 on Wednesday. The welcome reception ends around 21.00. Address: Hantverkargatan 1.

The Stockholm Archipelago Experience for Dinner


Stockholm is situated on several islands and we usually say that Stockholm is 1/3 city, 1/3 forest and 1/3 water. To the west of Stockholm lays Lake Mälaren which can take us a 150 km to the west. East of Stockholm lays the Baltic Sea and the Stockholm Archipelago consisting of around 24.000 islands. Thus it is not strange that going by boat is one of the main attractions in Stockholm for both tourists and Stockholmians. When planning the closing of the conference and the gala dinner we wanted to show you some of Stockholm’s waters. We therefore invite you to a boat tour with us on the ship Teaterskeppet (the Theater Ship) for a tour in the inner parts of the Stockholm Archipelago. We will be served food and drinks on the boat. The ship will be waiting at the quay in Gamla Stan (the Old Town), just close by to the Royal Castle. The dinner cruise starts at 18.00 on Friday with a welcome drink sponsored by Elsevier and Accounting, Organization & Society. The ship leaves at 19.00, so be sure to be there on time. The ship returns to Gamla Stan at 22.00. However, the bar at the ship will be open until 23.00. Address: Skeppsbrokajen 104.

IPA - on the margins of accounting since 1985